Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

High School Students Think About Pets (Final Draft)

1. Introduction

     The aim of this report is to inform what are the high school students think about pets. I interviewed 5 of my friend in person. The questions are about whether pets are important and useful to human’s life, what is the aim of pets in their opinion, do they had they own pets at home and what is that, if yes, why do they keep them and why do they choose that kind of animal as their pets and why they said so, and if they don’t have animals at home, why is the reason and  if they can choose what animals do they prefer to be their pet, what it would be? And etc. 

2. Findings

Whether pets are important and useful to human’s life : 
From 5 (five) questioner, 2 (two) of them said that the importance and use of pets is depend on who is that person and if that person is really need that animal as their pets, so pets for that people are really important. But one of them said that pets are important. And one of them said that pets are not important, it even be a burden to the owners.  So, the majority vote is the importance and use of pets is depend on who the person who will own them.

What is the aim of pets in their opinion : 
One of them said that pets can help people who needs them. Such as a blind man needs dog for guide him walking on the street, or dog to guard the house. But most of the questioner said that the aim of pets is to be their friends. It can play with us. And they said that if they learn to take care of their pets such as feeding them, cleaning their house, it can be teach them to take their responsibility.

Do they had they own pets at home and what is that : 
Just 2 (two) of them have pets at home. They have more than one kind of pets, such as cat, dog, fishes, hamsters, and turtles. And the rest of questioner don’t.

Why do they keep them and why do they choose that kind of animal as their pets, why? : 
The questioner who have any pets at their home keep that animal as their pets because in their opinion pets can be human’s friend. And they feel happier if their pets can overcome their boredom. They choose that kind of pets, such as cat; dog; fishes; hamsters; and turtles, because they think those are  easy to keep and to take care.

Why don’t have animals at home? And if can choose, what animals they prefer as their pets? : 
All of the one who don’t have pets at home said that is because of pets are disturbing and take their time. One of them said she doesn’t has pets because she allergic to pets. But if she can choose one to keep, she will choose cat because it is cute. Two of the one who don’t have pets said whether they can choose one animals to be their pets, they won’t choose and they don’t want to have pets.

3. Conclusion
High school student’s opinion of pets is most of them said the importance and use of pets are depend on who are the person who will own them. And most of them don’t have pets. But the one who have pets said that pets can be their friends and they can learn how to take the responsibilities  by take care of their pet.

by Nadia Khairunnisa 

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